Auto Maintenance Plus v7.1 英文正式版(汽車維護、家務資訊管理軟體)
Read the included 'crack\Linezer0.txt' file for details.
Auto Maintenance Plus should capitalize the PLUS. You get a
database to record your automobile expenses for maintenance
and repairs as well as a separate table to list original
cost, insurance, and license information on all your
vehicles. But you also get a home inventory, searchable by
item and filterable by cost, date, and other combined
factors. And, there's a table of important household
information, such as bank accounts, insurance policies, and
credit card numbers. And, if that's not enough, how about a
calculator with loan-comparison capability for various
interest rates and term length? Add in another calculator
for determining affordability for mortgage or auto loans,
plus optional password security of your important
information, and you have many bases covered. Improved print
capabilities. New backup and restore utilities added to
each function, select either miles or kilometers in auto
maintenance deluxe function and more.
Auto Maintenance Plus v7.2 英文正式版(汽車維護、家務資訊管理軟體)
Auto Maintenance Plus v7.0 英文正式版(汽車維護、家務資訊管理軟體)
Auto Shutdown Genius v2.0 英文正式版(預定時間內自動將機器關機,掉電,登出等)
OBD Auto Doctor v1.6.2 英文正式版(應用軟體)
Data Tracker for Auto Parts v1.15 英文正式版(管理您的汽車零部件的軟體)
Abelssoft AbAlarm Plus v9 英文正式版(鬧鐘軟體軟體)
Recipe Keeper Plus v6.8.20 Datecode 20070201 英文正式版(家庭菜譜收集資訊軟體)